On Mon, 2008-09-01 at 09:44 +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
> Robert Cummings wrote:
> >> >> #!/bin/sh
> >> >> while true
> >> >> do
> >> >>     <yourscript>
> >> >>     sleep 300
> >> >> done
> >> > 
> >> > I accomplish the same with cron scripts by using locks with expiry.
> >> 
> >> got an example? my cat skinning skills need to be improved, the cat
> >> won't like it but screw the cat, right?
> > 
> [snip code]
> > I implemented my own lock class which uses directory creation and the
> > return value to determine if the lock was successful. Unlike file
> > creation (or so I read several years ago) directory creation is atomic
> > and works across NFS. As an added benefit, I'm able to store lock
> > related data into the lock directory as files.
> I'm probably old fashioned, but to me all that stuff is way overkill.  I
> also tend to think that synchronizing scripts is a job for the shell,
> not PHP. 
> lockfile=/var/lock/<xxxx>/file
> # clear out a lock older than 60mins
> find $lockfile -cmin +60 | xargs rm
> test ! -f $lockfile && (
> touch $lockfile
> <run some php>
> rm -f $lockfile
> )

Try running that on windows.

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