On Tue, 2008-09-02 at 16:23 +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
> Robert Cummings wrote:
> > On Tue, 2008-09-02 at 07:52 +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
> >> Lupus Michaelis wrote:
> >> 
> >> > Robert Cummings a écrit :
> >> > 
> >> >> Try running that on windows.
> >> > 
> >> >    No problem
> >> > <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/interopmigration/bb380242.aspx>
> >> > 
> >> 
> >> And of course, there's also Cygwin.
> > 
> > *lol* And I quote:
> > 
> >     Per Jessen said:
> >     "I'm probably old fashioned, but to me all that stuff is way
> >      overkill."
> > 
> > And now your suggesting installing cygwin to accomplish something so
> > easily accomplished in PHP.
> > 
> > Yeesh.
> Rob, I've never suggested anything like that.  But if you were to ask me
> how to get a fairly decent Unix-like environment on a Windows platform,
> yes, I would suggest using Cygwin.

You originally said it was overkill to use my lock class and then went
on to show your shell script doing similar. To which I then responded
try running the shell script in windows. To which you've now suggested
installing cygwin. Thus you have suggested a shell script and cygwin to
accomplish what a simple lock class easily achieves in both linux and
windows. It all goes back to that original argument you brought up where
you said the lock class was overkill. I haven't even commented on the
complexity added by introducing a second technology (And third now that
cygwin is on the table). I'm sure this is a prime example for the
application of Occam's Razor.

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