Michael Hall pressed the little lettered thingies in this order...

> I'm stuck on a piece of code for a shopping cart.
> I'm on the final page where the buyer clicks BUY and several things
> happen. I want to loop through the table that stores the session info and
> extract details such as item, price, quantity, subtotal and assign all this
> info to one variable:
> $var = the output of a while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) statement
> Why I'm trying to do this is I'd like to store all the purchase details in
> one variable for inclusion in an email:
> $message = $var;       // (from above)
> mail($address,$subject,$message);
> I'd also like to put the info in that same variable into a table that
> records actual sales data:
> $details = $var;
> insert into table ('details') values ('$details');
> I know there must be a (probably very easy) way, but just can't crack it.

$result = mysql("DBName","QUERY");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        $var = $row[0];

        $message .= $var;
$details = $message

The period and equal sign cause $message to prepend itself to $var.  
This is the same thing as writing:
        $message = $message."$var";

In either case, $message is preserved and added to on each loop. That 
being the case, if you are puting this into an e-mail message, you 
probably want to add line breaks after each line:
        $message .= $var."\n";

Check out string operators:
and assignement operators:

Good luck...

Christopher Ostmo
Meeting cutting edge dynamic
web site needs

For a good time,

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