> Can anyone offer advice on best practices for email address verification? > Obviously for user registration it's common to click a link in your email to > complete the process thereby verifying the email, but if you want to keep > things very simple for the end user, what are the best methods?
The best method is that IMO. It's common place and thus understood. There may be a delay incurred though because of mail delays. > I have been looking at getmxrr and the examples feature some good advice, > etc. > One that I've found that I'm thinking of using is > http://www.tienhuis.nl/php-email-address-validation-with-verify-probe which > tries to connect to the SMTP server as well as mx lookup, etc. You could. Bear in mind that you can't do that if their mail server happens to be down at the time. > How reliable are these? Not 100%. Like I said, my preferred option would be just to send the user an email. > With new domain name extensions appearing all the time I wanted to find > something better than a regex which might become outdated after a while and > I'd never know about it! New domain name extensions can be accounted for easily, eg: \.(?:[a-z]){2,4} -- Richard Heyes HTML5 Graphing for IE7, FF, Chrome, Opera and Safari: http://www.phpguru.org/RGraph -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php