On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 2:17 PM, Vinny Gullotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> What I want to do is find the top 10 servers where the column steps =
> iisreset. The following code works great except that the page is not
> displaying the servername in the 'Server Name' column of my results (nothing
> appears, the column is just blank).
> servername and steps are the important columns in the database table.
> $_POST[time1] and $_POST[time2] come from a form submitted.
> When I copy and paste the entire select statement into the SQL tab in
> phpmyadmin (and replace the time variables with actual times corresponding
> to the timestamp column), it displays the correct results including
> servername. Everything works in the php page's results except for the
> servername. I feel like it's right in front of my face and that's why I
> can't see it lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
> =)
> My code...
> $query = "SELECT servername, COUNT(steps) FROM monitoring WHERE steps LIKE
> 'iisreset' AND timestamp <= '$_POST[time2]' AND timestamp >= '$_POST[time1]'
> $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
> # display column titles
> echo "<center><table class='table'><tr>";
> echo "<td class='tableHeader'><center><small><b>Count</b></small></td>";
> echo "<td class='tableHeader'><center><small><b>Server
> Name</b></small></td>";
> echo "</tr>";
> #display results
> while($i = mysql_fetch_row($result))
> {
> echo "<tr><td><small><center>", $i[COUNT('steps')],
> "</center></small></td>";
> echo "<td><small><center>", $i[servername] ,"</center></small></td></tr>";
> }
> echo "</table></center><br>";
> --
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Try:  $i['servername']

notice the ' and ' around the name.  I've heard you can do w/o those, but
I've had issues in the past where it didn't work.  ITs also good practice to
use 'em.

-Dan Joseph

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