On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 7:30 PM, Nathan Nobbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Eric Butera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I generate my data access objects too.  It goes against my better
>> judgment, but performance wins out in this specific situation.
> getting off the point of the thread (i could care less :D), but have you
> seen the model taken by qcodo, propel (and likely others) where the
> generated layer is extended, so that subsequent re-generation does not
> interfere w/ customizations on the generated library?
> -nathan

I have looked at Propel several times and I'm quite close to jumping
on that bandwagon.  The last time I was looking I decided against it
though since it required a big base library to run properly (at least
I think it was that, could be wrong).  I do really like the idea of
having something else take care of the DAO business for the most part.
 One less problem, right?

My little generator just does the basic load, save (which calls
update/insert based on pk), delete.  From there I hand write out the
actual fetch statements.  I have some templates to ease the burden of
doing some of the more repetitive queries, such as the ones that
require pagination.  I think it is very important to craft data
fetching SQL statements though since that is usually the largest
bottle neck of the system.

After looking at that Qcodo framework for a second I've actually made
another generator that creates the management side MVC pages to work
off of a table too.  That is an interesting idea though extending the
generated classes to get around customizations.  I was thinking about
trying to come up with a way of doing a diff to handle this in my own
generators.  It is easy enough to just copy the basic methods and
paste them over my current ones though.  I hardly ever find myself
adding new fields to tables once a job is complete so I haven't felt
the motivation to do it yet.

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