Andrew Ballard wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 10:37 AM, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> To all:
>> The code provided by nathan works for me as well. However, the problem is
>> not easily explained, but I can demonstrate it -- try this:
>> * A complete listing of the code follows the demo.
>> When the code is first loaded, the session variables are defined and
>> populated. Proof of this is shown in the top left corner of the page, which
>> reports:
>> Cable Diane
>> Ron Big
>> Dirt Joe
>> Now click the "Continue" button and you will be presented with the next step
>> which shows a list of the SESSION variables in both the top left corner AND
>> immediately below "Step 2". Everything is righteous to there.
>> However, the next portion of the code is the foreach loop where the first
>> SESSION pair is output correctly, but the rest aren't.
>> This is followed by another listing of the SESSION variables and this time
>> is shows that they have completely disappeared.
>> Okay gang -- what's up with that?
>> Cut and paste the code and see for yourself.
>> Cheers,
>> tedd

could you please in foreach loop (on your website) add one echo line:
      foreach( $_SESSION['user_id'] as $index => $value )
        echo '-> '.$index.': '.$value.'<br>';
        $last_name = $_SESSION['last_name'][$index];
        $first_name = $_SESSION['first_name'][$index];
        echo("<p>$index $last_name $first_name</p>");



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