Ford, Mike wrote:
On 01 October 2008 21:24, tedd advised:

At 2:38 PM -0500 10/1/08, Afan Pasalic wrote:
main reason - if you sort by first or last name you will lose
this way is index always "linked" to first/last name.
Your point is well taken, but I'm not sorting this.

True, the arrays have a common index, which is 0, 1, 2, 3 ...

      [user_id] => Array
              [0] => 6156
              [1] => 7030
              [2] => 656

      [first_name] => Array
              [0] => Diane
              [1] => Fred
              [2] => Helen

      [last_name] => Array
              [0] => Cable
              [1] => Cago
              [2] => Cahalan

But the data is relational, such as:

Diane Cable has user id 6156.

I collected the data like this (in a loop):

$_SESSION['user_id'][] = $value;
$_SESSION['first_name'][] = $first_name;
$_SESSION['last_name'][] = $last_name;

Doing this is fine -- the index is automatic.

I thought I could retrieve the data by using:

$num_users = count($_SESSION['user_id']);  // <--- this works (correct
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_users; $i++)
    $last_name = $_SESSION['last_name'][$i];
    $first_name = $_SESSION['first_name'][$i];
    echo("<tr><td>$last_name</td><td>$first_name</td></tr>");     }

But that doesn't work. What's really odd is only the first loop works.

I'm thinking register_globals here.  In every example you've posted,
you've used $last_name and $_SESSION['last_name'] -- but these are the
same thing if register_globals is on, and would lead to your posted
output with the single characters on the 2nd iteration and nothing after

nicely put - that's the one.

nathan ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
  Senior Web Developer
  php + java + flex + xmpp + xml + ecmascript
  web development edinburgh |

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