On Wed, 2008-10-08 at 21:35 +0100, Richard Heyes wrote:
> >    I think Richard Heyes was working on some of these, actually.  Not
> > positive if it was plotting or just display, though.  If you check the
> > archives, you might find something.  I'm CC'ing him personally, too.
> >
> >    Here's one link of his I have from memory:
> >
> >        http://www.phpguru.org/RGraph_dev/examples/bar.html
> Working on it yes, but until MSIE supports the canvas tag (part of
> HTML5) it's not really usable for providing graphs to the public.
> When it does though, it'll be a great way of reducing the strain on
> your server... :-)
> -- 
> Richard Heyes
> HTML5 Graphing for FF, Chrome, Opera and Safari:
> http://www.phpguru.org/RGraph
What about splitting the output between using the canvas tag and VML
which only IE supports. From my only foray into VML, the syntax is
pretty simple, and similar to SVG, and is supported by IE5.5+.
Obviously, I'm only advocating this as a last ditch alternative for a
browser that can't get even the basics right yet ;)


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