On 8 Oct 2008, at 22:05, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Wed, 2008-10-08 at 21:45 +0100, Stut wrote:
On 8 Oct 2008, at 21:44, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
The only redirects that have p!ssed me off before are those ones that
big sites put in to make room for their adverts. On more than one
occassion I've decided to look elsewhere for whatever it was I was
looking for, although it tends only to be game and (legal) download
sites that do this.

Yeah, I hate it when companies try to make a profit. Don't they know
everything on the Internet is supposed to be free?!?!?!?

Find your stuff elsewhere by all means, but don't slate sites for
using advertising to pay for your FREE usage of their service.


PS. For those sarcasm-detector-challenged out there the first
paragraph was full of sarcasm.

I'm not against advertising, just this kind. It makes you sit through a
30 second long advert before you get to the sweet stuff. Now, I don't
have a bandwidth limit, but what about those users who do? Inline
adverts are better, and Google has them worked to a tee. If the model
doesn't work for the big companies then, it's time to find a new model,
but I think one in which the visitors to a site are treated like TV
viewers is not the way to go.

I don't disagree that it's not the best model, but it is the best paying. Why? For precisely the reason you've stated - it interrupts what you're doing and forces you to pay attention to it. The reason game and download sites use them is because they pay enough to cover your usage of their site, whereas I'd bet standard banners would not.

To make a reasonable amount of money from Google adwords you need a fairly sizable amount of traffic, and even then you won't pay for the scenario where every user downloads files 100's of meg in size.

If you don't like it and you think it can be done less intrusively I urge you to go ahead and build a competitor. But don't expect to break even anytime soon. In the meantime if it really bothers you that much I would recommend finding a site that lets you pay a monthly fee for ad-free access.



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