On Fri, 2008-10-10 at 14:54 -0400, tedd wrote:
> At 11:46 AM -0400 10/10/08, TG wrote:
> >I had a free Guru.com account when I was working freelance and job hunting
> >and all that, and I didn't bother submitting a single proposal because I
> >could see how all the jobs went.  People would submit a reasonable proposal
> >and eventually it would get to the point where someone was bidding $1 to do
> >the job.  That was $1 plus $5,000 or something in "additional work" or some
> >stupidity.
> I had one guy respond to my bid and ask how much I charged. I replied 
> "$50 per hour".
> To which he said "$50! I never paid more than $25 per hour -- will 
> you work for that?"
> I replied "Sure, but it's going to take me twice as long to get anything 
> done."
> I didn't get the job.
> Actually, if I really punched a time clock, I'm probably making 
> around $25 per hour (or less) anyway. It's a good thing I love the 
> work, but it's usually the clients who are the main problem. Too bad 
> they often stand in the way of what they really want done.
> I had another respond to my bid. They wanted a way they could upload 
> Word documents to a server and have them automagically become pdf 
> files. I said, "Why don't you just do it directly from Word?" Poof -- 
> I lost that contract.
> Another said that they wanted a way to upload pdf files and then 
> inject input fields directly into the uploaded pdf file.
> I told them that's not an easy thing to do considering how PDF files 
> are constructed. So I suggested creating an online form and 
> generating pdf files on the fly. I even made a demo for them to use. 
> But, the client said "No, we need to be able use our existing pdf 
> files.
> So, I researched the hell out of it some more and came to the 
> conclusion that it would be very difficult and told them so.
> They answered "Oh, don't worry about it, we already found someone who 
> can do it. He showed us a way that we could use an online form and 
> generate pdf files on the fly."
> Duh!
> Is everyone stupid or is it just me?  :-)
> Cheers,
> tedd
> -- 
> -------
> http://sperling.com  http://ancientstones.com  http://earthstones.com
We've all been there. I put together a site at work, and despite my best
efforts, the girl who is in-charge of adding content keeps making the
same mistakes, like trying to upload a PDF in a field clearly marked CSV
(and then wondering why it doesn't work) or adding a new article and
wonder why it doesn't appear in date order if she doesn't specify a date
(articles often get added at times other than they occur) or why when
she uploads a 1024*768 BMP file, the site has trouble converting it,
despite asking for a much smaller JPG file! All these problems are just
on one site and with one woman. My whole base is like this!


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