Chrome wrote:
>> On 14 Oct 2008, at 16:51, Chrome wrote:
>>> For the record I have included a 256 char long whitespace string
>>> along with any prospective output but still no joy
>>> Opera 9.60 reliably informs me it's received 258 bytes but displays
>>> nothing
>>> I'll carry on with this for a little before blaming the browsers
>>> (testing also in FF3) and putting in a 'This is going to take bloody
>>> ages' note :)
>> My initial response was based on it being a CLI script in which case
>> my advice would have been enough. However in your case there are other
>> buffers in play which could affect the output.
>> How is your output formatted? Browsers won't necessarily display
>> content until they get closing tags. This is probably the issue you're
>> running into.
> The output is [currently] plain text only.  Maybe it would help if I added
> the standard HTML stuff too I'll have more luck
> I'll try that in a little bit but food first :)
> Thanks for the input
> Dan
>> -Stut
>> --

Also, a setting to check it to make sure that output_buffering, in the
PHP.ini, is set to off.  I think the default is 4096bytes.  You'll not want it
to do that.  Once you change that, restart apache/iis/etc...

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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