On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 00:14:18 +0100, Nathan Rixham wrote:

>*Procedural or OOP?*

OOP, except really small stuff.

>*Dev OS*

Fedora 9

>*Dev PHP Version*


>*Live Server OS*

Hosted services - var. Linux, Windows 2003 Server

>*Live Server PHP Version*

Mostly 5.2.3+, some 4.x (haven't looked lately) but I imagine even the
worst of those hosts will upgrade soon, or die.

>*Which HTTP Server Software (+version)?*

Apache 2.2 on Linux, IIS 6.0 on Windows

>*IDE / Dev Environment*

Geany, mostly

>*Preferred Framework(s)?*

Prefer small code libraries over large frameworks. Otherwise, I'd be
writing Java or .NET, eh?

>*Do you Unit Test?*


>*Most Used Internal PHP Class*

A MySQL wrapper - needed it for a PITA host once, still easier / lighter
than others (although PDO, adodb interest me)

>*Preferred OS CMS*

Joomla is great, SilverStripe is nicer but I have yet to use it in

>*Anything else you use frequently in you're PHP'ing that's worth 

* iepngfix.htc - lets me use PNG with alpha channels in IE6
* csshover.htc - lets me do pure-CSS fly-out menus
* tinymce - lets me do rich-text editing for admin pages (simple CMS)
* KVM - lets me test in IE6/IE7 without having to reboot into Windows
* Subversion - because I value my time :)
* Meld - because I value my sanity! (graphical diff/merge)
Ross McKay, Toronto, NSW Australia
"Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water;
 After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water" - Wu Li

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