----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marcus James Christian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 6:18 AM
Subject: [PHP] Filtering out \ when a ' is user entered?

> Hello,
> I'm pretty new to PHP but all I've seen of it so far I pretty much love!
> I've built a web log but when the user enters their data and they use '
> or "  (and you know they will)   php always shows it from the included
> web log as
> \'  How can I filter out these backslashes so they don't appear on the
> final public viewable page?
> Thanks,
> Marcus
> --
> Marcus James Christian - UNLIMITED -
> Multimedia Internet Design
> http://mjchristianunlimited.com

You can use stripslashes($yourvar) for this.

You can this behavior off by setting magic_quote_gpc to 
off in php.ini. Please not that  if you'll try to insert this values to 
a database without the slashes, your queries will break, and they'll
become security breaches.

Think about this:

$query = "select * from users where username='$u_name'";

and the user enters into the $u_name field:
' and '1'='1


However, if those dashes were escaped with slashes, the query 
will execute and return no values.

Never trust input from users, always check it.
Meir Kriheli
MKsoft computer systems

  'There's someone in my head but it's not me" - Pink Floyd

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