I'm using a PHP cron job to constantly download files from a remote server. Client and server both have abundant unused bandwidth, and the sysads have already eliminated switches, interface cards, etc. as the source of the slowdown. I'm looking at the script to see why file downloads are taking so long and going so much slower than if I were to simply manually download them with a browser on the same machine. The script says:

$ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 1200))); // 20 minutes per file
$contents = file_get_contents($full_url, 0, $ctx);
$fp = fopen('D:\\DocShare\\'.$filename, "w");
$bytes_written = fwrite($fp, $contents);

Yes, it's on Windows. Any idea whether my PHP code might be introducing a slowdown? The files range from 500K to 50MB. I often launch multiple instances of the script but it doesn't seem to help much.

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