Rene Fournier wrote:
> Hi, I'm looking for some ideas on the best way to parse blocks of text
> that is formatted such as:
> $sometext %\r\n                        -- good data       
> $otherstring %\r\n                        -- good data
> $andyetmoretext %\r\n                    -- good data
> $finaltext                                 -- bad data (missing ending)
> Each line should start with a $dollar sign, then some arbitrary text,
> ends with a percent sign, followed by carriage-return and line-feed.
> Sometimes though, the final line is not complete. In that case, I want
> to save those lines too.
> that I end up with an array like:
> $result = array (    "matches" =>
>         array (    0 => "$sometext %\r\n",
>                 1 => "$otherstring %\r\n",
>                 2 => "$andyetmoretext %\r\n"
>                 ),
>     "non_matches" =>
>         array (    3 => "$finaltext"
>                 )
>             );
> The key thing here is that the line numbers are preserved and the
> non-matched lines are saved...
> Any ideas, what's the best way to go about this? Preg_matc, preg_split
> or something incorporating explode?
> ....Rene

Something along the line of this?


$block_of_text = '$sometext %\r\n
$otherstring %\r\n
$andyetmoretext %\r\n

$lines = explode("\n", $block_of_text);

$results = array();

foreach ( $lines AS $i => $line ) {
        if ( preg_match('|^\$.* %\\\r\\\n$|', $line ) ) {
                $results['matches'][$i] = $line;
        } else {
                $results['non_matches'][$i] = $line;



Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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