Hello Nathan,

I upgraded to PHP 5, so I am using nativ support.

Best regards, Merlin

Nathan Nobbe schrieb:
On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Merlin Morgenstern <merli...@fastmail.fm <mailto:merli...@fastmail.fm>> wrote:

    Hi there,

    I am justing walking my first steps on XML and PHP. As I learned
    from a tutorial adressing is very simple:

    echo $xml->anbieter->immobilie->preise->kaufpreis;

this is meaningless unless we know which xml library you are using. i believe you said youre running php4 earlier, right?

so which xml library have you settled on?
btw; php4 has DOMXML as a native extension, but the api is a bit cumbersome.


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