On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Nathan Rixham <nrix...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Nathan Nobbe wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Merlin Morgenstern <merli...@fastmail.fm
>> >wrote:
>>  Hello nathan,
>>> I am unsing simplexml as it looks really simple :-) However, I could
>>> still
>>> not figure out how to adress data inside tags with attributes. For
>>> example:
>>> <anhang location="INTERN" gruppe="TITELBILD">
>>>       <data>bla blub</data>
>>> $xml->anhang[intern][titelbild]->data will not work.
>> again, ill need some clarification.  are you trying to get the data node
>> directly, OR, are you trying to get the contents of all nodes which are
>> descendants of anhang nodes, w/ attributes location and gruppe, having
>> values INTERN and TITLEBILD respectively?
>> these are two different the things, the former being, well simple
>> $xml->anhang->data
>> the latter i would do via xpath, which SimpleXML supports as well.
>> -nathan
> I think you hit the nail on the head with XPath nathan;
> //anha...@location='INTERN' and @gruppe='TITELBILD']/data
> which would be requiring DOMDocument and DOMXPath

ive been really lazy about testing stuff first today :), but why not just
rock it out w/ SimpleXML,

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
$searchResult = $xml->xpath('//anha...@location='INTERN' and

at least im just saying you dont NEED DOMDocument & DOMXPath, but def, that
is an alternative to SimpleXML.


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