On Thu, 2009-01-08 at 01:07 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> 2009/1/7 Ashley Sheridan <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk>:
> > Not just that, but aren't there greater overheads if the database is
> > physically larger in size? I assume that char might be a bit quicker to
> > work with than varchar, but I am pretty certain that using a fulltext
> > index on a text field is ridiculously slow compared to the former two.
> >
> Especially if the programmer is not taking advantage of the database's
> built in search / sort and other functions. Those type of functions
> can run over O(n^2) if the programmer is not careful and frankly, php
> is a language that is used very often by novices (myself included) who
> may not know better. Be careful with large databases if you do not
> have experience with them.
Could be worse, I see a lot of novice programming coming from the
ColdFusion camp. Possibly because it has tags for most of the common
needs, they don't actually need to learn how to program ;)


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