At 8:48 AM -0500 1/10/09, Gary wrote:
Looks like a great link, thank you.

But am I to understand that all I need to do is change the extention on a
file to php from html for all to be right with the world?


By changing the suffix (extension), you are telling the server that this file is to be treated differently than a html file. As such, the php interpreter will process the file before it is sent to the browser.

A statement like:

<?php echo('Hello'); ?>

Will print "Hello" to the browser. In fact, the browser will never see your php code unless you make a mistake. The file will be processed and delivered to the browser as html.

Please note that my use of echo above does not require the (), that's a habit I practice for no good reason whatsoever other than I like it. I think it's because I'm dyslectic and it makes sense to me.

In any event, I would consider the following"bad practice":

<?php echo('<h1>Hello</h1>'); ?>

Whereas, the following I would consider "good practice".

<h1><?php echo('Hello'); ?></h1>

As best as you can, try to keep php and html separate.

I know that some have different ideas on "good/bad" practices, but you'll develop your own views/habits as you grow and learn.




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