2009/1/17 Nathan Rixham <nrix...@gmail.com>:
> Per Jessen wrote:
>> Nathan Rixham wrote:
>>> Tony Marston wrote:
>>>> If you really *need* to used a staticly typed language then don't use
>>>> PHP, and don't try to change PHP to match your needs.
>>> why not?
>> Because your desired functionality is already satisfied by other
>> programming languages.  PHP is an interpreted language with all the
>> strengths and weaknesses that come with it.  A need for static or
>> compile-time typing is a need for a different language, honestly.
>> /Per Jessen, Zürich
> why so strongly against having *optional* static typing?

If it ain't broke don't fix it. I still fail to get why you're so
strongly for them.

> type hinting is already there + internal functions and classes are all
> staticly typed, function params, return types the whole lot.

Internal functions and classes are not statically typed - they check
their inputs and raise errors if they're wrong, which IMHO is what all
code should do.

> IMHO if it was to classify all the languages (specifically server side
> languages for web apps), PHP has 95% of the features i need, the rest come
> no where near, so it's the obvious candidate to get this remaining 5% that'd
> make it perfect and open it up to a whole set of new users and markets.
> Unless it's technically impossible why not?

That remaining 5% is the remaining 5% for you but you can't assume
that for everyone else, and it's pretty arrogant for you to think you
know what everyone wants.

At the end of the day PHP is open source and if there are features you
think will be welcomed by the whole community you can either suggest
them on the internals list, develop them yourself and submit patches
or pay/convince someone else to develop them and have them submit
patches. Just don't be surprised when you discover that your "simple"
enhancements have unexpected side effects that make them anything but
simple, especially when you need to maintain BC as much as possible.

Also, ignore Tony... PHP won't get better without people making
suggestions, even if they turn out to be impractical or unpopular, so
don't ever "LEAVE PHP ALONE"!! ;-)



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