Jochem Maas wrote:
Per Jessen schreef:
Nathan Rixham wrote:

Per Jessen wrote:
Nathan Rixham wrote:

You can't have your cake and eat it.  You can't/shouldn't have
and loose typing in the same language.  In my opinion.
"Instead of providing programmers with a black or white choice
between static or dynamic typing, we should instead strive for
softer type systems. That is, static typing where possible, dynamic
typing when needed. Unfortunately there is a discontinuity between
contemporary statically typed and dynamically typed languages as
well as a huge technical and cultural gap between the respective
language communities."
I'm not sure whether to take you seriously now - you're quoting from
a Microsoft research paper? :-)
lol well picked up - for all I'm a linux fan M$ aren't all bad and
hell they must have some very good programmers in the various teams,
seems a shame to invalidate thier hard work and research just because
they work for satan.
Completely agree, I just thought I'd score an easy point ...

+1 to you both :-)

omfg positivety returns to the list :-D cheers guys!

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