On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Frank Stanovcak

> Ok.  I've done some reading on frameworks for PHP now, and have this
> question.
> What are some good resources for learning about the various frameworks
> available, and do you recomend one over another?  If so why?
> I started using PHP before frameworks came into the picture, and then had
> to
> take my leave for a while.  I'm sure this information will also help others
> out there who are just learning the ropes as well.
> --
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> Each of the frameworks has a site, which is the best place to learn about

As for recommendations, it depends on what you are looking for

Flexibility - Zend  - you can use the pieces without needing the whole kit
and kaboodle

Speed - CodeIgniter seems to be the winner for now

Completeness - symfony has a full ORM layer

Mix of the above - cakephp

Each comes with its own learning curve from easy to steep... downloaded
several and play with them to work out what fits your needs



Cat, the other other white meat

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