Alice Wei wrote:
> Hi, 
>   I use Linux, and I had installed PHP using yum install php. I am trying to 
> use the pdf_new function to create pdfs from existing text files, but I get 
> this error 
>     PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function pdf_new() 
> I have noticed that when I run the phpinfo() command, I cannot find the PDF 
> phrase at all. My php.ini file does not even have these two lines 
>   extension=php_pdf.dll
>   extension=php_cpdf.dll
> Could anyone suggest me what kind of command I should use if I need to build 
> PDFs using PHP on a Linux system?
> Thanks in advance. 
> Alice
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If you have pear/pecl installed you can run: pecl install pdflib

If not: yum install php-pear


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