Bob McConnell wrote:
> From: Michael A. Peters
>> Angus Mann wrote:
>>> Hi all, I'm fairly new to PHP so I don't have too many bad habits
> yet.
>>> I'm keen to make my code easy to read for me in the future, and for 
>>> others as well.
>>> Are there any rules or advice I can use for formatting (especially 
>>> indenting) code?
>>> for example how best to format / indent this ?
>> To each his own. Whatever floats your canoe.
>> Just whatever you pick, stick to it throughout your code.
>>> I'm using "PHP designer 2008" which does syntax coloring but if it
> has 
>>> something to automatically indent - I haven't found it yet.
>> It probably allows you to either set a specify a tab as a real tab or
> a 
>> specified number of spaces. Auto-indenting - this isn't python, the 
>> compiler doesn't enforce it's way, you follow the convention of the 
>> project you are working on - so I suspect many php editors tailored to
>> php don't have an auto indent.
>> I've never of course tried that specific product. I use bluefish, vi, 
>> and emacs.
> To take this question a step further, is there a PHP best practices
> document available? I am looking for one that I can give to a new
> programmer and tell her "do it this way until you can explain to me why
> you shouldn't."
> Bob McConnell

There are various coding standards.  There is one for PEAR, the Zend
Framework and most frameworks/large projects that take contributions
have them.  Here's Zend:


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