2009/4/3  <aurfal...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> For any one following this thread, here is how I worked around the
> apache/php/chown limitation.
> script snippet (and if any one has a more elegant style, please share as I
> am an amateur script kiddie).
> $path = "/homes".$username;
> $chowncmd = "/usr/bin/sudo /bin/chown ";
> mkdir($path);
> chmod($path, 0775);
> exec($chowncmd.$username. " ".$path);

OK - you asked for style... ;)
I personally think it's elegant to build such strings with sprintf() like..

$path = sprintf("/homes/%s", $username);
or exec(sprintf("%s %s %s", $chowncmd, $username, $path));

That way you don't need added whitespace on vars like $chowncmd and
you don't need the "ugly" . " " . "string" . "merging".

btw. be sure that you always use
http://php.net/manual/en/function.escapeshellcmd.php as well as
http://php.net/manual/en/function.escapeshellarg.php when dealing with
user inputs and system calls.


> I modified /etc/sudoers;
> #Defaults requiretty   - I added the comment.
> apache ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/chown  - added this line.
> - aurf
> On Apr 2, 2009, at 6:58 PM, Michael A. Peters wrote:
>> Chris wrote:
>>> Shawn McKenzie wrote:
>>>> Chris wrote:
>>>>>> Wow, it does chown and chmod as well, thats friggen cool.
>>>>> chown will only work if the script is running as root which I doubt
>>>>> your
>>>>> drupal site will be.
>>>> Or if the script is running as a user/group that has write permissions
>>>> to the dir/file that your trying to chown.
>>> chmod may allow that, but not chown.
>> I believe it depends upon the operating system and version of the
>> operating system.
>> --
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