Chris wrote:
> Shawn McKenzie wrote:
>> Chris wrote:
>>>> Wow, it does chown and chmod as well, thats friggen cool.
>>> chown will only work if the script is running as root which I doubt your
>>> drupal site will be.
>> Or if the script is running as a user/group that has write permissions
>> to the dir/file that your trying to chown.
> chmod may allow that, but not chown.
> server:~# groupadd test
> server:~# useradd a -g test
> server:~# useradd b -g test
> server:~# mkdir /test
> server:~# chown a.test /test
> server:~# su - a
> No directory, logging in with HOME=/
> a...@server:/$ cd test
> a...@server:/test$ chmod 775 .
> a...@server:/test$ touch a
> a...@server:/test$ chmod 664 a
> a...@server:/test$ chown b.test a
> chown: changing ownership of `a': Operation not permitted
> a...@server:/test$
Yeah, my bad.  chmod it is...


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