Richard Quadling wrote:
> 2009/4/27 9el <>:
>>> Thanks for the clarification, Mike. In my ignorance, I was under the
>>> impression that the right side of the equation was only for the use of
>>> the left part. How stupid of me. So what I should have been doing was
>>> $Count1 = $Count + 1; right?
> $Count1 = $Count++;
> is not the same as
> $Count1 = $Count + 1;
> <?php
> $Count1 = 100;
> echo "Start with $Count1", PHP_EOL;
> $Count1 = $Count1++;
> echo "For \$Count1 = \$Count1++; the value in \$Count1 is $Count1", PHP_EOL;
> $Count1 = $Count1 + 1;
> echo "For \$Count1 = \$Count1 + 1; the value in \$Count1 is $Count1", PHP_EOL;
> outputs ...
> Start with 100
> For $Count1 = $Count1++; the value in $Count1 is 100
> For $Count1 = $Count1 + 1; the value in $Count1 is 101
> This shows that post-inc during an assignment does not affect the
> value assigned.
> Something that I thought would happen was if I ...
> <?php
> $Count1 = 100;
> echo $Count1 = $Count1++, PHP_EOL;
> echo $Count1, PHP_EOL;
> I thought I'd get ...
> 101
> 100
> but I get
> 100
> 100
> I thought the ++ would happen AFTER the assignment and the ++ to the
> value of the assignment. But this is not the case.
>> $Count = $Count + 1; is exactly(?) same as $Count++; Â or ++$Count
>> But not exactly same. Â PostFix notation adds the value after assigning.
>> PreFix notation adds the value right away.
>> But optimized programming argues about how machine is coded nowadays.
>>> Anyway, I don't need that statement anymore as I found the error of my
>>> ways and have corrected it. And behold, the light came forth and it
>>> worked. :-)
>> Regards
>> Lenin
Thanks. That is really a nice eye-opener.

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Phil Jourdan ---

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