Can you do a phpinfo(); and tell us the value of the setting
apc.filters (or every apc.* if you can)? Just curious, but I've seen
apps set that setting to avoid APC opcode caching.


On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 8:56 PM, James McLean<> wrote:
> (Resend from around 1 week ago, because of no responses)
> Hi All,
> Over the weekend I setup a test of APC intending to benchmark a Moodle
> installation with various APC settings to see how well I could get it
> to perform. I successfully installed Moodle 1.9 and 2.0 under Apache
> 2.2.3 (installed via apt on Ubuntu 9.04), and with PHP 5.2.9 compiled
> from source. I should note, that Ubuntu had an older version of PHP
> installed from apt with Suhosin hardened PHP built in. Moodle 2.0
> required at least PHP 5.2.8, so I uninstalled the original PHP module
> before compiling and installing the 5.2.9.
> No issues there; PHP worked well and performance was (mostly) acceptable.
> Progressed onto installing APC, firstly by downloading the APC 3.1.2
> source from PECL and following the usual 'phpize, configure, make,
> make install' process which worked as expected, stop and start Apache
> and APC was present in my phpinfo();. I started with the reccomended
> PHP config exept with error_display turned on and E_ALL | E_STRICT
> enabled, and also the reccomended APC config also.
> I copied the 'apc.php' from the source tree to my webroot and changed
> the password as suggested.
> The issue arose when I attempted to benchmark my Moodle install with
> 'ab' (I realise it only downloads the single page, but it's good
> enough for what I need for now though) and the result was no different
> to before I had installed APC. View the apc.php page, and the only
> page cached is apc.php itself.. Certainly not what I've witnessed in
> the past. Then what would happen was if I viewed my seperate info.php
> page containing simply the opening PHP tag and a single line with
> phpinfo(); in the file - the cache would appear to reset, and it would
> firstly not load the info.php into the cache, it would reset the
> counter on the apc.php file back to 0.
> Through all of this, there was no errors displayed on the screen and
> no errors listed in the Apache error log either. Increased the Apache
> log level up to Debug, and no related information was displayed.
> Moodle itself worked as expected with no errors, and on a seperate
> RHEL installation I have Moodle working with APC and it is caching all
> it's files as expected.
> At this point, I thought it may be an issue with the module I compiled
> myself. I backed up the module, and allowed PECL to install the
> module, it installed 3.0.19. Restarted Apache and verified the version
> was as PECL had built and installed.
> This had no effect, and yeilded the same behaviour.
> I'm stumped as to what the issue could be, however I did see this
> issue of APC not caching files on an installation of Red Hat
> Enterprise Linux in the past - however at the time we assumed it was
> an issue with the framework we were using and due to time constraints
> simply ran without APC and didn't investigate further.
> Has anyone seen this issue in the past and perhaps even rectified it?
> Any information would be appreciated.
> Cheers,
> James
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