I suppose I am opposed to 'custom systems' with PHP. I feel that you
shouldn't have to learn "new-stuff" that is specific to a certain system if
it is so extensive. I know, I'm lazy, but I've been trying to learn PHP (as
well as needing to learn JavaScript, SQL, and CSS 2.0 lately) and not stuff
that will only work in a closed system.

That said; Drupal is VERY powerful, and VERY convenient given the
multi-lingual aspects you (Rob) mentioned. From my angle, achieving what
wanted through Drupal was proving to be almost impossible, when I had a good
idea of how to accomplish it on my own, and figuring out how to integrate
Drupal with my own custom scripts was proving to be a headache for me, so I
ditched Drupal.

Again, Drupal is amazing. I guess what I was trying to say was "it depends".
Drupal is great for non-programmers who want to do very simple things, or
for professional PHP programmers who want to do pretty much anything.

Cheers :)


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:14 PM, Robert Cummings <rob...@interjinn.com>wrote:

> Allen McCabe wrote:
>> I've not had much experience with CMS's, however Drupal seems pretty
>> featured, with the steep-learning curve; it's not very user friendly.
> Not to disregard your own experience, but I've found Drupal surprisingly
> easy to get running with. In fact it's pretty much my first choice when
> installing a CMS for a client and I demsontrate how simple it is for them to
> add content. This is especially true in Canada where many websites are
> multilingual and Drupal offers one of the best interfaces for providing
> multilingual content. Additionally, the ability to create custom content
> types while possibly difficult for clients to grasp, is really simple for
> them to use if I do the legwork of creating the content types and associated
> views.
> Cheers,
> Rob.
> --
> http://www.interjinn.com
> Application and Templating Framework for PHP

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