On 24 March 2010 15:33, Robert Cummings <rob...@interjinn.com> wrote:
> Peter Lind wrote:
>> One of the main points of the OP was that you can document the code
>> properly. Your example doesn't allow for nice docblocks in any way, as
>> you'll either have to param points or a whole lot of noise.
> I dunno, seems highly documentable to me. Each route is handled by it's own
> method with the parameters being fully declared in the handler method's
> signature.

Only problem is the OP wanted to be able to created objects with
variable amounts of arguments. I.e. passing just one argument to the
constructor wasn't an option, far as I could tell. That's why he was
looking at c++/c# overloading: creating a constructor for each
scenario because the amount and kind of arguments varied.

Which means that the docblock for your constructor will look something like

 * dynamic constructor
 * @param int $constructor_type
 * @param string|array|object|whatever_you_could_think_to_throw_at_it $something
 * @param string|array|object|whatever_you_could_think_to_throw_at_it
$something this is optional
 * @param etc
 * @access public
 * @return void
>> Quick note: __ prefixed functions are "reserved", you shouldn't use
>> that prefix for any of your own functions. However unlikely it is that
>> PHP will ever have a __construct_bluh() function ...
> Yeah, I know... I threw caution to the wind in this quick example. But for
> the sake of archives and newbies reading them, I shouldn't have :)
> Cheers,
> Rob.
>> On 24 March 2010 15:22, Robert Cummings <rob...@interjinn.com> wrote:
>>> Robert Cummings wrote:
>>>> Richard Quadling wrote:
>>>>> Hi.
>>>>> I have a scenario where I would _like_ to have multiple constructors
>>>>> for a class.
>>>>> Each constructor has a greater number of parameters than the previous
>>>>> one.
>>>>> e.g.
>>>>> <?php
>>>>> class myClass {
>>>>> __construct(string $Key) // use key to get the complex details.
>>>>> __construct(string $Part1, string $Part2, string $Part3) //
>>>>> Alternative route to the complex details.
>>>>> __construct(array $Complex) // All the details
>>>>> }
>>>>> Essentially, SimpleKey is a key to a set of predefined rules. Part1, 2
>>>>> and 3 are the main details and well documented defaults for the rest
>>>>> of the rules. Complex is all the rules.
>>>>> Each constructor will end up with all the parts being known ($Key,
>>>>> $Part1, $Part2, $Part3, $Complex).
>>>>> But, PHP doesn't support multiple constructors.
>>>>> Initially I thought about this ...
>>>>> __construct($Key_Part1_Complex, $Part2=Null, $Part3=Null)
>>>>> But then documenting the first param as being 1 of three different
>>>>> meanings is pretty much a no go.
>>>>> So I'm looking for a clean and easily understood way to provide this.
>>>>> I won't be the only user of the code and not everyone has the same
>>>>> knowledge level, hence a mechanism that is easily documentable.
>>>>> I think I may need a factory with multiple methods (FactoryKey,
>>>>> FactoryPart1To3, FactoryComplex). Make the factory a static/singleton.
>>>>> All these methods eventually call the real class with the complex
>>>>> rule.
>>>>> Is that obvious enough?
>>>> Factory method is probably the cleanest and simplest solution. Just pass
>>>> an ID as the first parameter to the real constructor and then it can
>>>> route
>>>> to the appropriate behaviour:
>>> Here's a better example (tested):
>>> <?php
>>> class Foo
>>> {
>>>   const CONSTRUCT_BLAH = 1;
>>>   const CONSTRUCT_BLEH = 2;
>>>   const CONSTRUCT_BLUH = 3;
>>>   function __construct( $constructId )
>>>   {
>>>       static $map = array
>>>       (
>>>           self::CONSTRUCT_BLAH => '__construct_blah',
>>>           self::CONSTRUCT_BLEH => '__construct_bleh',
>>>           self::CONSTRUCT_BLUH => '__construct_bluh',
>>>       );
>>>       $obj = null;
>>>       if( isset( $map[$constructId] ) )
>>>       {
>>>           $args = func_get_args();
>>>           $args = array_shift( $args );
>>>           call_user_func_array(
>>>               array( 'self', $map[$constructId] ), $args );
>>>       }
>>>       else
>>>       {
>>>           // Generate an error or exception.
>>>       }
>>>   }
>>>   static function __construct_bleh( $arg1 )
>>>   {
>>>       echo "Called: ".__FUNCTION__."( $arg1 )\n";
>>>   }
>>>   static function __construct_blah( $arg1 )
>>>   {
>>>       echo "Called: ".__FUNCTION__."( $arg1 )\n";
>>>   }
>>>   static function __construct_bluh( $arg1 )
>>>   {
>>>       echo "Called: ".__FUNCTION__."( $arg1 )\n";
>>>   }
>>>   static function getBlah( $arg1 )
>>>   {
>>>       return new Foo( self::CONSTRUCT_BLAH, $arg1 );
>>>   }
>>>   static function getBleh( $arg1 )
>>>   {
>>>       return new Foo( self::CONSTRUCT_BLEH, $arg1 );
>>>   }
>>>   static function getBluh( $arg1 )
>>>   {
>>>       return new Foo( self::CONSTRUCT_BLUH, $arg1 );
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> $obj = Foo::getBlah( 'blah' );
>>> $obj = Foo::getBleh( 'bleh' );
>>> $obj = Foo::getBluh( 'bluh' );
>>> ?>
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rob.
>>> --
>>> http://www.interjinn.com
>>> Application and Templating Framework for PHP
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> Application and Templating Framework for PHP

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