On 24 March 2010 16:48, Robert Cummings <rob...@interjinn.com> wrote:
> Peter Lind wrote:
>>>>> The ,... is a supported syntax. Then I'd add the appropriate docblock
>>>>> for
>>>>> the alternate constructors.
>>>> It might be but in effect the documentation you're left with is vague
>>>> and has double the amount of documentation lookups, to find out which
>>>> parameters you can pass. Using a separate object to create the one you
>>>> want avoids this.
>>> But then you need to keep track of many different classes/objects rather
>>> than a single. You also run into confusion as to what the difference is
>>> when
>>> really they are the same, just built differently. In this context you
>>> have
>>> even more document points to review since you must read the class
>>> information in addition to the method signature. Also using a separate
>>> class
>>> just to facilitate a different constructor seems abusive of class
>>> semantics
>>> since the objects are intended to be identical, just built differently. I
>>> would find this more unwieldy to deal with in an environement than just
>>> viewing the alternate methods.
>> Yes, you have to keep track of two different objects instead of one.
>> Managing complexity by delegating responsibility is normally a good
>> thing.
> Absolutely, delegating responsibility to manage complexity is very good. My
> proposed solution does this.
>> And no, there is no confusion: you're building the same object
>> in different ways, so you're getting the same object, not one that
>> merely looks the same.
> No, you're getting different objects. If they come from different classes
> then they are different. Yes they may be subclasses, but the OP indicated
> they differ only by how they are built. Adding 10 different subclasses just
> to facilitate constructor overloading seems egregious, especially if the
> object already has logical subclasses.

As I suspected, you didn't understand what I meant. The builder
pattern lets you build complex objects in steps, separating out
complexity. It's equally well suited to building one object as many
objects and what I had in mind was a simplified builder/factory.

Which means you have:

class ObjectBuilder
class Object

where ObjectBuilder comes with several different ways of building
Object. That's two objects, not the list of objects extending
something you posted.

>    class Dog
>    class Dog_construct1 extends Dog
>    class Dog_construct2 extends Dog
>    class Dog_construct3 extends Dog
>    class Dog_construct4 extends Dog
>    class Dalmation extends Dog
>    class Dalmation_construct1 extends Dog_construct1
>    class Dalmation_construct2 extends Dog_construct2
>    class Dalmation_construct3 extends Dog_construct3
>    class Dalmation_construct4 extends Dog_construct4
> But now Dalmation_construct1 isn't related to Dalmation... or do you propose
> the following:
>    class Dalmation extends Dalmation
>    class Dalmation_construct1 extends Dalmation
>    class Dalmation_construct2 extends Dalmation
>    class Dalmation_construct3 extends Dalmation
>    class Dalmation_construct4 extends Dalmation
> But now Dalmation_construct1 isn't related Dog_construct1. This seems
> problematic from a design perspective unless I'm missing something in your
> proposal.
>  As for abusing class semantics ... I don't see
>> it. Using separate classes for different things is what OOP is about.
>> If your constructor is trying to do 15 different things you're
>> designing it wrong - methods shouldn't have to rely upon massive
>> switches or the equivalent done using foreach loops and arrays.
> Sorry, switches, foreach, and isset are not equivalent. My approach is O( lg
> n ). Foreach and switches are O( n ) to find a candidate. Additionally, my
> constructor does 1 thing, it delegates to the appropriate constructor which
> does one thing also... builds the object according to intent.

Yes, your constructor does one thing, which is indirectly related to
constructing instead of carrying out the actual constructing. I prefer
constructors to construct something, but that's a matter of preference
I expect.

>>  As for more documentation: You'd have two class docblocks plus a
>> docblock for each build method, so I suppose you're right, that is one
>> extra docblock.
>>>> However, which solution fits the problem best is determined by the
>>>> angle you're looking from. If you want to avoid extra classes, having
>>>> a constructor like you're supposing is probably the best idea.
>>> Extra classes is also more code, probably more files (if you put them in
>>> separate files), more points of management.
>> Yes. What does your code look like? One big file containing everything?
> No, I said probably because I put classes in separate files. I was saying
> there is probably another added maintenance headache of all these new class
> files.

There would be if one were to use your scheme of subclassing. What I
proposed doesn't do that in any way, so there's not much of a
maintenance headache.

Anyway, all this is theoretical seeing as you can equally well use a
set of static methods on the object to achieve the creation (the only
difference to what I proposed is which class the constructing methods
are in) and that solution seems to suit the OP.

> Cheers,
> Rob.
> --
> http://www.interjinn.com
> Application and Templating Framework for PHP

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