On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Don Wieland <d...@dwdataconcepts.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am in need to schedule reminder emails and was wonder how to do this via
> PHP / mySQL
> For example, I would like to give my user the ability to sign-up for an
> event and have an email reminder generated X amount of time before the
> event.
> I appreciate any feedback on how to do this...
> Thanks!
> Don Wieland
> D W   D a t a   C o n c e p t s
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> d...@dwdataconcepts.com
> Direct Line - (949) 305-2771
> Integrated data solutions to fit your business needs.
> Need assistance in dialing in your FileMaker solution? Check out our
> Developer Support Plan at:
> http://www.dwdataconcepts.com/DevSup.html
> Appointment 1.0v9 - Powerful Appointment Scheduling for FileMaker Pro 9 or
> higher
> http://www.appointment10.com
> For a quick overview -
> http://www.appointment10.com/Appt10_Promo/Overview.html
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Run a cronjob at midnight and send the email. Track who it got sent
to, so you don't duplicate it. Easy peasy!



Cat, the other other white meat

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