On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Don Wieland <d...@dwdataconcepts.com>wrote:

> On Apr 16, 2010, at 1:26 PM, Bastien Koert wrote:
>  Run a cronjob at midnight and send the email. Track who it got sent
>> to, so you don't duplicate it. Easy peasy!
> This is fine if the email is to be sent at midnight.
> I am looking for more refinement.
> For example:
> A user signs up for an event - 4/16/2010 @ 10:45am
> There is an option:
> Send me a reminder email X minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years prior to
> the Event.
> so:
> 30 minute(s) = email sent at 4/16/2010 @ 10:15am
> 2 hour(s) = email sent at 4/16/2010 @ 8:45am
> 3 day(s) = email sent at 4/13/2010 @ 10:45am
> 1 week(s) = email sent at 4/9/2010 @ 10:45am
> 1 month(s) = email sent at 3/16/2010 @ 10:45am
> 1 year(s) = email sent at 4/16/2009 @ 10:45am
> This is really what I need...
> Don Wieland
> D W   D a t a   C o n c e p t s
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> d...@dwdataconcepts.com
> Direct Line - (949) 305-2771
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What about making ics files available for download?  Users could easily
import the event into the calendar of choice, and they could also (using the
calendar software they're already familiar with) set the alarm.  For
instance, I can set the calendar on my cell to ring my phone to alert me to
events (my preference over email reminders for important events because I
sometimes get flooded with email.)

Your scripts could generate the files containing event info and then
automatically start the download.

This allows the users to determine the mode of alarm that works best for
them in their native calendar app, and you're still greatly facilitating the
process by providing all of the info so they merely have to drag and drop
for many apps.

I realize you asked specifically for a server-side email alarm solution (I
apologize for the tangent if your needs preclude this type of approach), but
I thought I'd toss out the idea as this approach has proved more effective
and efficient for websites I maintain.


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