Quickest way I can think of would be to do something like

$tmp = array();

foreach($old_array as $key => $value)
        $tmp[$value] = $key;

But knowing PHP there is probably some array_reverse_keys() function.


Joshua Kehn | josh.k...@gmail.com

On Aug 31, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Tontonq Tontonq wrote:

> a quick question
> lets say i have an array like that
> Array
> (
> [300] => 300
> [301] => 301
> [302] => 302
> [303] => 303
> [304] => 304
> [305] => 305
> [306] => 306
> [307] => 307
> [308] => 308
> ...
> how can i change keys to 0,1,2,3,.. by faster way
> (it should like that) >
> Array
> (
>  [0] => 300
>  [1] => 301
>  [2] => 302
>  [3] => 303
>   ....

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