On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 16:58 +0100, Richard Quadling wrote:

> On 31 August 2010 16:45, Ashley Sheridan <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:
> > There are two ways I see to do it. You can iterate the array and create
> > a copy, assigning elements dynamic values:
> >
> > $new_array = array();
> > foreach($array as $a)
> > {
> >    $new_array[] = $a;
> > }
> >
> > or use a sorting function on it that doesn't preserve the keys (as in
> > your example all the values in the array were in numerical order.
> >
> > $new_array = sort($array);
> sort() operates in the array. It does not return a new array, just a
> bool to indicate success or not.
> http://docs.php.net/sort

Ah, my bad!


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