On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Cheryl Sullivan <csull...@shh.org> wrote:
> Absolutely -
> This is from the first page
> <?php
> $_SESSION['UserLastName'] = strtolower(trim($_POST['txtLastName']));
> $_SESSION['BadgeID'] = trim($_POST['txtBadgeID']);
> //access MS SQL Server database
> $q1 = "select * from emps where emp_last =
> '".$_SESSION['UserLastName']."' and emp_badge =
> '".$_SESSION['BadgeID']."'";
> $rs_emp_info = hitMSSQL($q1,"xxxx_sql","database","table","password",1);
> $_SESSION['SSN'] = $rs_emp_info->fields("emp_ssn");
> $_SESSION['CostCenter'] = $rs_emp_info->fields("emp_costcenter");
> //access mySQL database
> $cnx = mysql_connect("localhost","userID","password");
> $db = mysql_select_db("database_name");
> $q1 = "select * from tblmainempreport where empUUID =
> 'sdfsfs920090528131'";
> $result = mysql_query($q1);
> $recArray = mysql_fetch_array($result);
> $_SESSION['empFName'] = $recArray['EmpFName'];
> ?>
> When I echo all five $_SESSION vars from here, they are all populated.
> Then I can either redirect or form post to the next page.  In either
> case, the $_SESSION vars populated from SQL Server ( the SSN and Cost
> Center vars) are blank when I echo them on the destination page.

The fact that you can echo the $_SESSION information on the same page
and they contain the correct values suggest to me that the issue of
MySQL/MSSQL is a red herring. I would look into things like the value
for register_globals to make sure you don't have a global variable
stepping on some of your session variables.


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