Christopher Ostmo wrote:

> > My suggestion is to run an authorization for an extremely small amount of
> > money ($1.00 is fairly standard) and that will tell you if the account is
> > valid or not. Doing validation yourself implies a fully-publicly-understood
> Maybe I am the only one, but I would NEVER do business with ANY
> company that charged my credit card just to see if it was valid.

    Running an authorization, versus a charge are two different things.  When you
pay with a CC at a restaurant, they run an authorization to see if the card and
account are valid.  It's not till AFTER you've signed your check, approving the
charge that they'll actually charge you.  You can run an authorization at any
point on someone's card.

    Hotels, rental car agencies, travel agencies, all those kind of places will
authorize your card first, and won't actually charge you till you've finalized
your stay, returned the car or whatever else.

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  Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   .   303.442.6410 x130
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