On Mon, 2011-01-10 at 11:39 -0500, tedd wrote:
> At 11:41 AM -0600 1/9/11, Donovan Brooke wrote:
> >Daniel Brown wrote:
> >>On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 11:58, tedd<tedd.sperl...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> >>>
> >>>For example --
> >>>
> >>>http://xn--19g.com
> >>>
> >>>-- is square-root dot com. In all browsers except Safari...
> >
> >but yes, the actual square root character appears in safari only.
> >
> >Interesting!
> >Donovan
> Donovan:
> Yes, Safari shows ALL Unicode Code-Points (i.e., 
> Characters) as they were intended.
> Here's a couple of examples:
> http://xn--u2g.com
> http://xn--w4h.com
> Interesting enough, the above characters cannot 
> be typed directly from a key-board, but are shown 
> correctly by a Browser.
> However as I said, these can only be seen 
> correctly by the Safari browser. If you use IE, 
> then the URL's will be shown as PUNYCODE -- M$ 
> has a "better idea".
> What I also find interesting is that there are no 
> restrictions for using IDNS names in email 
> addresses. However, even Apple's Mail program 
> restricts these to standard ASCII.
> IOW, an email address of t...@ˆ.com is perfectly 
> legal (and will work), but no email application 
> will allow it.
> Cheers,
> tedd
> -- 
> -------
> http://sperling.com/
on my Ubuntu box, I can copy and past the √ (square-root) character and
it displays properly in he address bar on google chome, but it
translates it back to the http://xn--19g.com and doesn't show anything
else (well... the page loads...LOL)

so did you register the xn--19q.com address knowing that it would
work/translate to √.com (square-root) ?


Steve Staples
Web Application Developer
519.258.2333 x8414

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