tedd wrote:

> At 11:54 AM +0100 1/11/11, Per Jessen wrote:
>>tedd wrote:
>>>  At that time, I registered almost 30 names.
>>>  Fortunately, all of my names passed and I was
>>>  permitted to keep them. Unfortunately, all
>>>  browser manufactures (except Safari) negated some
>>>  of the work done by the IDNS WG and as a result
>>>  PUNYCODE is shown instead of the actual
>>>  characters intended.
>>Only for characters that are not part of a national alphabet, I
>>This one works fine:  http://rugbrød.ch/
> Not for me. It translates to:
> xn--rugbrd-fya.ch

Probably a browser issue.  The above works fine with e.g. FF3.6 amd
Konqueror 3.5.

>>Besides, many domain registrars also limit the available characters to
>>those that are part of a national alphabet.
> National alphabet? Never heard of it -- what Nation?

Perhaps not the correct expression, but most non-English languages have
their own alphabets, and despite some countries sharing a language,
what they allow for domain name registration isn't always the same
(ref. Michelle Konzacks earlier posting).
For instance, while 'ï' is used in Dutch, English, and French (I
believe), it is not used in Danish, so it is not allowed in Danish
domain names.  

Here is the list of characters accepted by the German registrar: 


The Swiss registrar:


Austrian registrar:


Danish registrar:

(quite limited: a-z, 0-9, hyphen, æ, ø, å, ö, ä, ü, é)

> Are the Greek letters Sigma, Delta, Pi part of this "National
> alphabet"?  

No, only the Greek alphabet which probably is used in Greece and Cyprus

> In addition, many registrars are clueless about IDNS, Char Sets, and
> what is legal and not. 

Not in my experience.  The various national/European registrars usually
have very strict regulations, and any domain registrar offering his or
her services to the public had better understand them. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (0.0°C)

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