On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Fatih P. <fatihpirist...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Stuart Dallas <stu...@3ft9.com> wrote:
>> Fatih, please explain what you mean by "the code files are being cached.
>> and modifications in methods are skipped
>> and not executed." How are you getting the modified files onto the server,
>> and how are you running the scripts? Are you working directly on the server,
>> or are you uploading the files to the server via FTP, SCP or some other
>> mechanism?
>> OK, this is a development machine, everything is running on it. nothing is
> being uploaded  through ftp, scp or something else.
> all kind of content caching is disabled.
> and what I mean by the code files are being cached is: after the
> modifications, i do get the result which was produced before modification.
> which shows
> that the file is not being interpreted by php. how i get to this point that
> I see errors after restarting the machine which were not there during coding
> or when
> i dump an object it doesn't show up anything other than previous content.
> to recover this situation,  either I have to restart httpd which sometimes
> does work or when it gets more problematic,
> i have to crush httpd / php on start. and only having this problem on
> windows machines.
> sounds funny to most of you but it is happening

I'm sure it is happening, I don't doubt that, but there's probably a very
simple explanation.

What browser are you using? Certain older browsers such as IE6 have their
own ideas about whether pages should be cached or not. You can usually
bypass the browser cache by holding control and/or shift while clicking on
the refresh button. Try that next time this happens.

Other possibilities include filesystem issues, such that the OS is not
seeing that the file has been changed - there are levels of caching on
modern operating systems that most people, quite correctly, are not aware
of. The likelihood of this being the cause is miniscule.

If you're absolutely certain that you are not using any opcode caching (you
mentioned that you are using pre-compiled binaries, and it's possible they
include APC or similar by default), then I have no idea what's going on
beyond what I and others have already suggested.


Stuart Dallas
3ft9 Ltd

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