On Nov 17, 2011, at 11:58 AM, Stuart Dallas wrote:
> The epoch specifies the exact time that 0 represents. It makes no claims as 
> far as that being the start of anything...
> "defined as the number of seconds elapsed since midnight Coordinated 
> Universal Time (UTC) of Thursday, January 1, 1970 (Unix times are defined, 
> but negative, before that date)" [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time]

Good reference to support your point, but strtotime() doesn't qork that way.  
In addition, the statement does not address where the fractions of a second 
were that occurred before the completion of the first second, clearly those 
fractions occurred in 1970.

>> For example, if you push '-1' though strtotime(-1), you'll get Wednesday 
>> only one day a week -- whereas 'null' works every time.
> Technically I see that as a bug. I believe strtotime(null) should return 
> null, but due to the way type inference works, null is interpreted as 0. The 
> point here being that you're not getting the time at null, you're getting the 
> time at 0.

Nope, zero time is absolutely January 1, 1970 00:00:00 -- which was a Thursday. 
If you pass zero through strtotime(), it reports "December 1969" and I claim 
that to be a bug. Realize that seconds, minutes, and hours go from 0-59, not 1 
to 60. Any fractions of a second before zero was 59.999... and such was indeed 
part of the day/month/year before.

In addition, passing -1 through strtotime() simply returns today, whereas 
'null' returns a date prior to the start of everything and that makes more 
logical sense to me.

>> My point stands: null == Wednesday.   :-)
> It may stand, but it's standing on foundations of null space :)

Been there many times. :-)




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