On Mon, 31 Dec 2012 14:47:20 Stephen D wrote:
> Yes!
> Easy standard stuff.
> $title = 'Mr.";
> $user_name = 'John Doe';
> $message = "Hello $title $user_name ...."
> Just define the value for the variables before defining the value for
> the message.
> Note that $message has to use double quotes for the expansion. Also
> consider using HEREDOC instead of the double quotes.
> You may want to put your message in a text file and using the include
> function.

Hi Stephen,

My message is in a text file, but I'm using fopen and fread in a self-defined
function, so message is actually defined as (GREETER_FILE is a defined
function print_greeting($user_name)
   $handle   = fopen(GREETER_FILE, "r");
   $message  = fread($file_handle, filesize(GREETER_FILE));
   $msg_text = str_replace("USER", $user_name, $message);

And my text file is simply:
$cat greet.txt
Hello USER. How are you today?

If I change USER to $user_name in the text file and change the print function
parameter to $message, $user_name gets printed verbatim. In other words
the greeting on my page becomes:
Hello $user_name. How are you today?

I want to pass the name Nelson to the function, and have it output:
Hello Nelson. How are you today?

after the function reads in text file input that contains a variable placeholder
for the user name. I actually had a HEREDOC in the function, and that worked.
But by reading a file instead, I can make things more flexible. I'd rather be
changing a text file instead of a code file.
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