On 17 May 2013, at 14:04, Tedd Sperling <tedd.sperl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I thank you for your addition, but what you provided did nothing to explain 
> the difference between abstract and interface.
> In your example:
>    An abstract Shape with Circle and Square inheriting.
> OR
>    An interface Shape with Circle and Square implementing.
> Does exactly the same thing -- so where's the difference?

An interface does what it says on the tin: it describes an interface that a 
class can then tell the world it implements.

An abstract class provides functionality as well as an interface description. 
An abstract class cannot be instantiated, it can only be extended.

The logging example given by someone earlier in this thread is the most common 
example given for interfaces. This is where the interface is defined as an API 
for others to implement and/or use which then enables users to pick and choose 
the combination of implementations they want to use based on their requirements 
without needing to change any of the code of either class.

Abstract classes are more likely to be used where there is a set of shared 
functionality that is required by several other classes, but which is not 
functionally useful by itself. An example of this from a current project of 
mine is in aggregating news sources (RSS, scraping, custom formats, etc).

I have an abstract base class which supplies common code to parse and process 
data, and some abstract methods that must be implemented by any class that 
extends it because the abstract class methods may call them. The abstract class 
also contains a static factory method for getting instances of the 
type-specific classes.

With this architecture the users of the abstract class never see the derived 
classes so there's no need to publish an interface for them to use.

Does that help at all?


Stuart Dallas
3ft9 Ltd
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