Bastien Koert

On 2013-06-08, at 5:56 PM, Tamara Temple <> wrote:

> Tedd Sperling <> wrote:
>> On Jun 8, 2013, at 3:00 PM, Ashley Sheridan <> 
>> wrote:
>> dealTek <> wrote:
>>>> I can see the basic need for a table prefix in a case where you may use
>>>> one mysql database for several projects at once so as to distinguish
>>>> tables per project like...
>>>> -snip-
>>>> however I was told a long time ago to use a prefix "tbl_" like
>>>> tbl_Mytable but I don't really see much need for this by itself ... Am
>>>> I missing something?
>>> I think that's a pattern that people use to distinguish their tables from 
>>> views, etc, but personally I find it a little pointless. It doesn't really 
>>> help in any way, and just means more typing.
>>> Using a prefix for a set of tables in one db where you might have several 
>>> things using the db (i.e. some hosting limits the databases you can have) 
>>> makes sense, and especially so if you name it sensibly as in your first 
>>> example. 
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ash
>> I agree, but more than that I also set up databases specifically for clients 
>> such that all the tables in them are related to the client and not each 
>> other, such as:
>> client1_db
>> contacts
>> invoices
>> etc
>> and
>> client2_db
>> contacts
>> invoices
>> etc
>> As such, the "tbl_" prefix is not needed.
>> Cheers,
>> tedd
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> In a multi-client situation like Tedd describes, it is rather more
> important to segregate client's data, otherwise you need to do a fair
> bit of permissions management to keep rogue employees/contractors at the
> various clients from snooping around. (It happens!)
> OTOH, when it's your own apps, and you are db restricted as Ash
> mentions, the table prefix thing can be useful. Personally, I don't do
> that, but that's because I am rarely resource-bound in that way. One db
> per app, basically.

I have run into situations where I prefix with the app name due to same table 
names in the same db. This was on a large db2 install. 

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