You're not sending CC numbers in the url as plain text are you? That's a
REALLY BAD idea. You should store the information in your database before
you go to processing the CC (name, address, etc.) and don't store CC
numbers, the liability is much more than you're being paid. If you store it
ahead of time all you need to pass in the url from the processing company is
an id# to look up the info in your database.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Beidler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "php list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: [PHP] loose variables when url parsed through Netscape

> I'm trying to integrate a payment processing service for a client. The
> client would like to store the values passed from the payment processing
> service in a database on the clients server. I'm using a Meta Tag redirect
> from the payment processing service to my client to pass the variables.
> Unfortunately I loose the variables when using Netscape 4.7 on the Mac if
> the variable has a space in it. Here's a url for an example;
> lay=&revshare_id=&first=Tim&last=Jorgenson&address1=710 Clearview
> Road&address2=&city=San Francisco...
> I loose everything after the first blank space in the url. In this example
> at "address1=710 Clearview Road&"
> The payment processing service does not run PHP so I can't alter the
> variables on their side to include html formatted spaces, i.e. %20.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Tom
> --
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