A little background... Skip to "THE JIST" if you wanna make this quick.

I am on this webmaster's list where most of the people are fairly new
webmasters. They're just getting the hang of things. I am probably one of
the only advanced ones on there (not to toot my own horn really) and I'm one
of two who use PHP (the other is just learning.)

I tout PHP and MySQL as awesome, which they are, but I don't say they're the
only technology out there.

There is another guy, a kid, who is a major Java guy and he's BIG into XML
and JSP.

Some guy on this list asked what a good dynamic web solution is, I
immediately chimed in and said PHP was great, free, and on most all linux
hosts.  Told him how powerful it was and what could be done with it.

This kid chimes in and says, something to the affect of that if the guy
wants to live in the past and not let his website go anywhere then he should
go with PHP but JSP is the wave of the future and it's more powerful, and
has the backing of the almighty Sun and the Open Source community (as if PHP


So, the jist is, what does PHP have to offer to the web in the future?  I
think it's still a viable option that will be around for at least another
6-7 years. This kid thinks it's shelf life is another 3.  What do ya'll


Thomas Deliduka
IT Manager
New Eve Media
The Solution To Your Internet Angst

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