Just by looking at M$ history we all know that their only interest is
$$money$$.  Even if the product is not fully tested/bug-free and if 20% of
it works, they spit it out and leave the dirty work (and headaches) to the
system administrators and everyone else who's not a "plain non-technical
user" just trying to get their memo or spreadsheet done.  Then after that,
either M$ continues to "develop" the product with their famous "Service
Packs" or drop support after 1-3 years and force everyone to move in their
stream (which continues to produce $$money$$ for them).

"Rasmus Lerdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > So, the jist is, what does PHP have to offer to the web in the future?
> > think it's still a viable option that will be around for at least
> > 6-7 years. This kid thinks it's shelf life is another 3.  What do ya'll
> > think?
> Personally I would be a hell of a lot more worried if I was in the Java
> camp.  M$ with .NET and especially CLR is gunning directly for Java and
> its position in the enterprise.  PHP will roll with the punches and work
> alongside .NET and CLR and always keep up with all the latest technologies
> out there because PHP is developed by and for the web community.
> Name a single interested web-related technology that PHP can't interact
> with.  I can't think of one.  And as more come out, we'll find ways to get
> PHP to talk to them.
> -Rasmus

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