>if you have structure like
>if (isset(...)){
>you have to insert "endif;"
>If you think you did it but still have an error, try to count your "if"
>statements and "endif;" maybe something is missing.

This is a matter of personal preference, but use formatting that is helpful to
determine where you are in your code...  and comment yourself...  it will avoid
missing } { and other common erors that eat up valuable time tracking down. HTML
cares less about the extra spaces and \n's anyway

                        doing something
                        doing something else
                } #endif
        } #endwhile

While generally restrictive in nature, some good ideas for policing your own
code can be found at http://utvikler.start.no/code/php_coding_standard.html
(just one copy I came across).  take what you need out of there... once you
stick to a method, your occasions of tracking down loose ends will drop greatly.


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