> function group_include($directory)
> {
> $handle=opendir("$directory");
> while ($file = readdir($handle))
> { //load files in $directory into array
> if ($file != ".." && $file != ".")
> {
> $files_to_include[count($files_to_include)] = $file;
The count(...) is pretty silly here. Get rid of it. PHP will do what you
> }
> }
> //clean up and sort
> closedir($handle);
> if (is_array($files_to_include))
> {
> while (list ($key, $val) = each ($files_to_include))
> {
> include "$directory/$val";
> }
> }
> }
Why create an array and then walk through it? Why not just include() as you
Also, this is pretty dangerous... A hacker only needs to manage to upload
one file to your web-directory, and they've taken over your machine.
Don't do this.
> //include common and page specific modules
> $common_include_dir="modules/common";
> $page_include_dir="modules/page";
> group_include($common_include_dir);
> group_include($page_include_dir);
The list of files simply can't be that large.
Why not just have a file in modules/common that includes all the other files
in modules/common, and then edit that as you add files to modules/common,
and then you can just include that one file.
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